04 Feb 2016
February 4, 2016

Sage 50 Accounts Essentials

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As of 2nd February 2016 Sage Instant Accounts has had a revamp and name change, and is now Sage 50 Accounts Essentials. I am being asked by many clients if they need to upgrade to the new software, and my answer is if you are happy with what you are using then not necessarily, but.. read more →

02 Feb 2015
February 2, 2015

Sage 50 in the Cloud


If you love your Sage 50 and have been using it for years, but need to access your accounts quickly and easily away from the office then what can you do?  Sage have Sage One, which is their Cloud based solution, but Sage One is a completely different product, and those who are used to the.. read more →