Silicon Bullet Xero Masterclass Videos

Sometimes remembering how to do those every now and then tasks in your accounting package can be hard. Or what if you have taken over the basic bookkeeping from someone and they haven’t been there to explain how it all works?
For some you may need a hand holding session, where you can ask all your questions ‘face to face’ through Zoom or Microsoft Teams and be shown how to do the tasks relevant to your business.
For others you may just want a quick Walkthrough video to cover the task in hand.
Our Silicon Bullet Xero Masterclass is just the channel you can use to remind you where to click and what to do in your Xero software. If the issue or topic you need is not yet covered on the channel then contact us and we can add the video you need.
Currently available are videos such as Postponed VAT Accounting Post Brexit, How to Contra Customer and Supplier Payments, Recording Over Payments and Creating one Bill from multiple purchase orders.
To access the Masterclass videos there is currently an offer of a one off payment of £5 plus VAT required and you will also get access to any new videos added as the channel grown. Email to request payment details and the link to the channel.